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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Reader Reviews: You Rate and Write

Hey guys! So, Im very interested in seeing what everyones favorite product is or that product you totally regret buying is. I had an idea to have a "Reader Review" once a week on my blog. You guys can choose any product you want, good or bad, and write up an in depth review of that product. Make sure to include pictures and pricing. Depending on how many responses I get, I will be featuring either 1-3 reviews at a time. This is open to anyone! You dont have to have a blog in order to participate, If you do have a blog, make sure to include all your information so I can add it to the post. I am not looking to take credit for anyones work! Just thought it would be a cool idea to get YOUR view on products I havent tired yet, and its a great way to network and get your blogs name out there. Answers the questions below and email them to me at Beautyblurbz@yahoo.com.

*Remember to subscribe via GFC
Your First Name:
Your Blog or website (if you have one):
Your Beautylish link (if you have one):
Your Twitter (if you want to be followed):
Your YouTube Channel (if you have one):

Product Brand:
Product Name:
Product Price:
Where to buy:
Your Review:

*Remember to include pictures

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